Advent is a tradition that has developed over the church’s history as time of preparation for Christmas day. Advent is a season in which we focus ourselves on the adoration of Jesus. It is a time of patient waiting and hopeful expectation.  The very word Advent literally means "coming". 

From now until Christmas day we want to focus our minds' attention and hearts' affection to adoring Jesus. This season should be filled with great happiness and joy for the people of God because the waiting is over. Like the Ancient Creed says, “For us and for our salvation” Christ has come! We truly have the greatest reason to celebrate.


As we remember Jesus' first coming and anticipate his return, we desire that this Advent Guide would help stir your affections for Jesus in this season. Each day has a different Old & New Testament Scripture Reading and it is our hope the we would individually and collectively as a church take time each day to slow down seek Christ our Savior through daily reading The Bible and prayer. The point isn’t to weigh you down with a checklist, but to build into our lives a rhythm of consistent prayer and Bible reading. Together, may Christ be enjoyed, and our hearts cry out: “Come, Lord Jesus, come!”