Christ’s Resurrection

By Zach Chronley

Tomorrow is the day that, all around the globe, followers of Jesus celebrate Christ’s victory on the cross. Normally this is accompanied by an influx of visitors in church buildings, people who typically don’t attend any kind of church service the rest of the year. But no doors will be open tomorrow morning. No guests are driving into church parking lots. 2000 years ago, it was the same. 

The disciples were in hiding; they were fearful. They could not imagine what God was doing. In some ways, our Easter Sunday is echoing the original Easter Sunday. Indeed, many people are undoubtedly in their homes afraid right now, but the same incredible news comes to each fearful or skeptical person today as it did the disciples two millennia ago. Jesus is alive! Death is defeated! His resurrection proves that His words were true. This fact changes everything for those that believe. 

But some doubted. Thomas wasn’t prepared to hear the Good News first being preached. But Christ’s appearance removed the doubting prefix we’re all so eager to remember. Jesus told Thomas, “blessed are those who believe but not see.” Do you want to be blessed this Easter morning? Believe. Though we cannot see what God is doing in our midst, we can choose to believe that God is continuing the work he started on the cross: To deliver us from our sin. To claim us as a people his own. To show the world that death was defeated. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life!” (John 3:16)

If you find yourself afraid in this season, remember the words our Messiah gave on the first Easter Morning, “Peace be with you.” This year, the reason for these words seems to be more relevant than ever. In spite of the uncertainty around us, we serve the Prince of Peace. The one who has the power to give us a peace that surpasses all understanding. We can have peace because Jesus conquered death. This morning, even if for the first time, put your trust in The One who did not withhold even His own Son, and see how He will graciously give you all things. 

Many people fear this time of quarantine will harm the church, but what we can see and know to be true is that God’s purposes cannot be thwarted. Tomorrow is the day we celebrate that, while the enemy may bruise our heels, Our Savior has already crushed the snakes head! He is not being neglectful or slow to act, instead He is giving each of us the time we need for repentance! We prayed all year for a fruitful Easter. God promises that he doesn’t give a snake to a son that asks for a fish. Our Father gives good gifts to His children. We believe God is giving us something greater than what we had asked for. Do you believe it too?

Pastor Tim Keller tells this story,

When Christianity first came onto the world stage, other religious leaders met them and asked, 

“Oh, you’re a Christian, are you? Where do you meet your God? Where is your temple?”

“We don’t have built temples.” The Christians replied, “We know that Jesus is our temple.”

“What? Then where do your priests gather, the people who go between you and your God?

“We don’t have priests, because Jesus is our High priest forever.”

“No priests? Then who makes your sacrifices? How else can you please your God?” 

“We don’t need to make sacrifices, because Jesus is the once and forever sacrifice.”

The church does not, nor will it ever rely on a building. Jesus’ death and resurrection has accomplished everything for us. If you desire to encounter the fullness of Christ’s resurrection victory this morning, rest assured, it is available to you. At the same time, it’s alright to mourn for our lack of communion with the greater church body. We long for the day of our renewed fellowship. But you don’t need to be in fear. 

After His resurrection, Jesus commanded his disciples to remain where they were until the proper time. This season, we are accepting the authority of our country’s leadership, and so we too remain in isolation for the time being. But just as the disciples waited for God’s timing, we believe that when the time comes, we will leave our homes and enter the world empowered by the Holy Spirit with a new sense of purpose to save the fallen world around us. In our lifetime, nothing on this scale could be a better reminder of the fragility of life and the world’s need of a Savior.

The world is waiting for the Gospel. Jesus is alive! Death is defeated! While church buildings are empty, so is the grave. This Easter, allow God to work repentance into your heart. Let your heart declare Jesus to be, “My Lord and my God,” as Thomas did long ago. May you then begin sharing the good news of the resurrection as Christ himself did, “Peace be with you.”