Genesis - Patriarchs: Joseph Series

Joseph is the oldest son of Jacob’s favorite wife, Rachel. As such, he is given special treatment from his father that angers his older half-brothers. Unjustly, they sell Joseph to a group of slavers bound for Egypt, where he will spend the next thirteen years as a slave and eventually in prison. Joseph keeps his faith and integrity and through an act of divine providence, finds himself at the center of a plan to save many lives. Joseph’s story is summed up in his declaration to his brothers, “you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good.”

We are in the final section of our sermon series in Genesis. Getting into Joseph’s story has been over a year in the making! If you have not been following along with us, go to our sermon archive, where you can find this and every one of our sermon series.

Genesis Devotionals

With a new section of Genesis, comes a new devotional journal! All content and design have been done in-house by members of our church, and we are excited to share it with you. Pick up your free copy this Sunday at the connect desk if you haven’t already!

Service begins at 4 pm

2930 MacArthur View, SATX 78217

Bring a friend!