Men's Jiu Jitsu Training Day

On March 29th, The Well Community Church will have a Men's Training Day. At Men's Training Day it's our aim for God's men to become more tactfully equipped through the martial art of brazilian jiu jitsu. We'll also end our time together after training with a word from Pastor Al regarding Biblical manhood. Ohana Westwood will be hosting and coaching our event for free. Let us know you're coming by filling out the form below!

This is an event only for those attending The Well Community Church.

Good Friday Service

The Well Community Church (map)

Join The Well Community Church on Friday, April 18, 2025 at 6pm or 7:30pm to worship and give thanks to Jesus Christ for the great gift of His perfect life on earth and perfect death upon the cross. Christians call this Friday “Good Friday” because it is indeed very good. It may sound strange to call a day so harrowing and grim “good”, but it is good because we know what Sunday brings: His resurrection from the grave. Tell us, what other god has raised himself from the dead? ONLY KING JESUS.

Celebrate this Good Friday with The Well Community Church and hear more on how this Good Friday is good news for YOU at 8126 Broadway, San Antonio, TX 78209. Childcare IS PROVIDED.

Easter Sunday & Baptisms!

On Easter Sunday, The Well Community Church will celebrate the most important even in human history - the resurrection of Jesus! The tomb is empty. Jesus is alive! This means that Jesus has defeated Satan, sin, death, and the grave. We have much to celebrate!

The Well Community Church will not only celebrate the resurrection of Jesus but also life change, through baptisms! Through baptism, we publicly declare Jesus is King and that he has rescued and redeemed us.

If you are interested in baptisms click the button below and we’ll connect with you soon!

Membership Class

The Well Community Church will be conducting a Covenant Membership Class on Saturday, August 23, 2025 from 9 AM - 11 AM - LOCATION GIVEN UPON SIGNING UP!

To sign up for this class please click the button below

Membership Class

The Well Community Church will be conducting a Covenant Membership Class on Saturday, October 25, 2025 from 9 AM - 11AM - LOCATION - TBD

To sign up for this class please click the button below

Child Dedication

The Well Community Church is hosting Child/Baby Dedications on Sunday November, 30th.

Child Dedications are a time where God fearing, Bible believing Christian parents declare publicly before their church that they will raise their kids in the ways of the Lord. Additionally, we as the church affirm that and will do anything we can to support their efforts to do so.