
Update on the Johnsons - June 24

By The Well Staff

For greater context you may find our last blog update on the Johnsons helpful. Click here to read.

We as a staff want to continue to inform you of the ways that the Johnsons are still in the midst of substantial hardship. As you know, the newest addition to the family, Knox Calvin Johnson, was admitted to the hospital shortly after being born and has spent roughly a month being cared for by various specialists, doctors, and NICU nurses, all for whom the Johnsons are incredibly grateful. Additionally, It wasn’t long after Knox’s admission to the hospital that the Johnsons had to move out of their home because of significant flood damage. 

Shortly after the loss of the house, their daughter Nora had to be admitted to the hospital on June 12th for multiple days of a high fever. Thankfully, she began to improve and was discharged shortly after. Nora has had to be taken to ER multiple times in the last three months for this same unknown reason and we ask for continued prayers for Nora, that God would mightily heal any underlying causes of these fevers and that they would not return.

In what appears to be even more spiritual warfare, the family vehicle’s transmission went out as Pastor Al’s sister Courtney was driving from San Antonio to Houston with the other two kids for some family time. With the help of some faithful church members, they were able to get a ride back to San Antonio and are now currently in the process of trying to find a replacement vehicle. This was the Johnsons only vehicle that could hold all their children, so please join us in praying that God would provide wisdom and a solution to getting their family around.

For the Johnsons it felt very much that one thing after another continued to try to steal their hope and joy in Jesus. However, as many times as they felt knocked down, God continued to show himself faithful. Thanks to some loving and supportive friends, they were able to stay in a home for a couple of weeks that was perfect for the entire family. They then began searching for a new home. Their property manager was an immense help to them during this process, and it wasn’t long after that they found a new home and submitted a rental application, and after much prayer and conversation they have been approved to move in. The Johnsons are excited and are very much looking forward to have a new place they can call home.

The past month has been challenging, but God has continued to show himself mighty by sustaining the Johnsons by also healing Knox. Yesterday Knox was discharged from his 28 day stay in the hospital. Pastor Al shared with us that a month ago that the doctors were not sure that Knox would pull through, and three weeks ago they were close to certain he would need a skin graft. Today, Knox is looking very healthy and miraculously he did not need a skin graft after all. Pastor Al and his family truly know it is because of the the prayers of many that Knox has been healed. Knox has continued to surprise the doctors and while he has many more appointments with an array of doctors and specialists, the Johnsons expect he will continue to improve. 

In this season the Johnsons have shared through social media and personal interactions that they remain hopeful. What they’re experiencing is by no means easy, but they have continuously shared their hope in King Jesus because they know that he is good, gracious, and compassionate (Psalm 103:13). They have proclaimed with their actions that God the Father is still good, not merely because of the good that has happened, but even through the hardship and pain as they cling to Jesus. We are reminded by their witness that God is not good simply because he gives good things, but because of who he is, and God is in the business of doing what is best for us (Romans 8:28).

We as a staff ask that you join alongside us in continuing to care for the Johnsons in these specific ways:


We believe prayer is of utmost importance. Pastor Al recently has shared many times since the start of all of this that they have been strengthened by the prayers of the saints, and have seen the power of prayer at work in Knox’s healing. We ask that you join alongside the church staff in prayer for:

  • Pray for financial provision for the Johnson family

  • Pray that the Lord would provide a car for the Johnsons

  • Pray for continued healing for both Nora and Knox

  • Pray that the Johnsons would stand confidently in Christ as they continue to endure

  • Pray for strength, peace, and steadfastness to fill the Johnson family


The Johnsons will begin moving into their home this week. If you would like to provide a meal for the Johnson family as they settle into their new routine, you can do so by clicking the link below.

Family Meal Train: Click here

The Johnsons are thankful for the support of their church family, friends, and loved ones, and are excited to have everyone now under one roof. 

- The Well Staff