
Service Opportunity: WOW OUT MINISTRIES

On September 19th, from 9AM to 12PM we will be serving alongside Women of Worth Outreach Ministries (WOW OUT) at Northeast Baptist Church. 2930 MacArthur View, San Antonio, TX 78217 We will be serving by sorting clothing to be distributed to the homeless in our city.

WOW OUT Ministries is a non-profit organization that aims to draw women into service and offer opportunities to learn more about Jesus. Through their love and service to women in need, they want women to know that they are worthy. Worthy of real love, worthy of true respect, worthy of kindness, truth, time, effort, care, and so much more. 

The women they minister to have often been stripped of worth and dignity for various reasons. The Bible teaches us that our worth, value, and beauty come from the fact that we are made in the image of God and that even in our brokenness and sin Jesus dies for us. This is the ultimate display of love and proof that our value and worth do not come from what we’ve done but what Christ has done for us. So, as a church, we want to come alongside the work WOW OUT Ministries is doing and share and display the love of Jesus in every way we can. We are inviting the men and women of our church to serve this organization through the sorting clothing to be distributed to the homeless in our city. Here’s more from Beth Miles who leads WOW OUT.

“We are a non-profit organization that aims to draw women into service and offer opportunities to learn more about Christ. However, we have a strong group of men that are also involved in just about everything we do. We collect clothing on an ongoing basis to distribute to the homeless in San Antonio. Until the COVID restrictions, we were distributing clothing, haircuts/hair wash, food and the gospel along with other churches in a parking lot on the east side monthly. That has been on hold for the last few months. But, we have had clothing donations continue to come in. We have just started gathering back together to sort through and organize them in the last month or so. We do that out in the courtyard at Northeast Baptist Church (NEBC). We are not connected to any particular church, but aim to work with different churches in order to serve the community. NEBC has been so amazing to allow us to house our clothing room at the church.”  - Beth Miles

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